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Edes family Tea Party punch bowl

Edes family Tea Party punch bowl Porcelain,
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在美国独立战争之前,这个瓷器潘趣酒碗属于波士顿的本杰明·埃德斯家族. On the afternoon of the Boston Tea Party, Edes entertained some of his fellow conspirators, serving them from this bowl.

Tea and "Indians"

In May 1773, the Parliament of Great Britain passed the Tea Act, 立法旨在帮助(英国)东印度公司的销售,同时, at the same time, 面对美国殖民地对任何外部法规或税收的抵制,重新确立了议会的权威. Even with the new tax of three-pence per pound, 东印度茶叶可以在价格上与走私到殖民地的茶叶竞争. In Boston and elsewhere in the American colonies, 《利记手机官网》被视为一系列侵犯美国自由的行为中的又一项,它试图以牺牲其他商人的利益为代价,偏袒与皇家政府有利记手机官网的精选商人——东印度茶叶的代售人, including those who smuggled tea. 随着东印度茶叶即将到来的消息在1773年夏秋两季传播开来, 一场反对茶叶税的政治鼓动运动和对茶叶代售商的恐吓开始了.

1773年11月28日,载着东印度公司茶叶的三艘船中的第一艘驶入波士顿港. For the next seventeen days, 波士顿和周边社区的“人民团体”要求东印度公司的茶叶收货人辞职,并归还茶叶, refusing to allow it to be unloaded. 当他们所有的呼吁和要求都失败时,公民们就自己动手了. On the afternoon of 16 December 1773, 一群人聚集在布拉特尔街本杰明·伊德斯家的客厅里. Edes, 谁密切参与了利记APP官网手机版茶叶到达的讨论, 招募他的客人来帮助策划和实施对东印度茶叶公司财产的大胆袭击. While waiting for evening to fall, 他的儿子彼得在给孙子的一封信中回忆道:

我清楚地记得,在茶馆被毁的前一天下午,有几位先生在我父亲家的客厅里聚在一起,具体有多少我说不清楚...I was not admitted to their presence. 我的工作是在另一个房间里,用你现在拥有的碗为他们调制潘趣酒,我倒了好几次酒——他们在屋里一直待到天黑...

伊德斯和他的客人来到他在皇后街的办公室,伪装成印第安人,然后和其他人一起去格里芬码头, where the three ships carrying tea were docked. 小彼得跟着这群人,把这件事告诉了他的孙子:

The Indians worked smartly, 有些人是在舱口被打破后立即进入货舱的, fixing the ropes to the tea chests, others were hauling up the chests, 还有人拿着斧头准备砍断箱子的绑带, and others cast them overboard.

Well-organized and methodical, within a period of three hours, “印第安人”已经销毁了342只箱子,里面有超过92只,000 pounds of tea, much to the admiration of John Adams, whose diary entry for 17 December notes, "This is the most magnificent Movement of all. There is a Dignity, a Majesty, a Sublimity, in this last Effort of the Patriots, that I greatly admire."

Who was Benjamin Edes?

Bookseller, printer, publisher, journalist, and patriot, Benjamin Edes (1732-1803), in partnership with John Gill (1732-1785), 在革命前的一段时间里保持着波士顿最激进的报纸. From 1755 to 1775 they published the Boston Gazette from their press "next to the Prison in Queen-Street." In addition to the newspaper, the pair printed religious tracts, annual sermons, scientific lectures, almanacs, and advertising broadsides. In the 1760s, 当地对英国政府征税和控制殖民地的反应越来越强烈, 埃德斯和吉尔开始出版表达殖民观点的政治著作和海报. 他们对汤森法案的强烈谴责导致1767年10月国会要求出版商 Boston Gazette be tried for libel. 他们的同情为他们赢得了在1762年和1770-1775年担任众议院印刷工的任命. Edes, the more politically active partner, 是洛亚尔九人组(Loyall Nine)的成员,这个组织最终成为了自由之子(Sons of Liberty).

During the Siege of Boston, 吉尔留在了镇上(他因叛国罪和煽动叛乱罪被监禁了一个月),而伊德斯则把他的媒体搬到了沃特敦. There he continued printing the Boston Gazette 和省政府的纸币,直到1776年10月他回到皇后街, after the British evacuated Boston. The firm Edes & 吉尔的工作一直持续到1779年,当时伊德斯成立了一家新公司本杰明·伊德斯 & Sons (Peter and Benjamin, Jr.). 彼得·伊德斯于1784年离开美国,在康涅狄格州成立了自己的公司. left ten years later. Peter said of his father's later years:

如果我的父亲像其他人一样,他可能已经值成千上万美元了, but he preferred the liberties of his country to placing, 像其他许多人一样,对欧洲大陆货币的稳定性过于自信, he died a poor man.

1799年,老本杰明·伊德斯在他位于坦普尔街的家中创办了一家出版社, and with the aid of his daughter, performed job printing until his death in 1803. His punch bowl descended to his grandson, Benjamin Edes, whose widow, Mary Cuming Edes, presented it to the Massachusetts Historical Society in 1871.

Alcohol in the American Colonies

据现代历史学家估计,18世纪美国的饮酒量为3倍.7 gallons per capita. From birth to death, 酒是殖民地社会聚会的重要组成部分, 而潘趣酒(从印度进口的名字和酒)在上流社会中就相当于茶了. Classic punch had five ingredients: in addition to rum, it generally included sugar, spices, and the juice of fresh limes, lemons and sometimes, oranges. A number of implements were useful in the making of punch, including china punch bowls, silver punch strainers, spoons and ladles. 除了伊德斯家族的潘趣酒碗,协会还拥有一个 silver punch strainer 由银匠威廉·布里德用1741年在卡塔赫纳缴获的银制成 recipe for milk punch from Benjamin Franklin.

Sources for Further Reading:

有关波士顿倾茶事件的深入讨论,请访问我们的网站 "The Coming of the American Revolution."

View tea, purported to be from the Boston Tea Party.

Allison, Robert J. The Boston Tea Party. Beverly: Commonwealth Editions, 2007.

Conroy, David W. 《利记手机官网》. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1995.

Franklin, Benjamin V., ed. Boston Printers, Publishers and Booksellers: 1640-1800. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1980.

马萨诸塞州历史学会学报,1871-1873. Boston: 1873. p.174-181.

Rice, Kym S. 早期美国酒馆:朋友和陌生人的娱乐场所. Chicago: Regnery Gateway, 1983.

Silver, Rollo G. Benjamin Edes: Trumpeter of Sedition. New York: Bibliographical Society of America, 1953.

Warden, Gerard B. Boston 1689-1776. Boston: Little, Brown, 1970.