亚当斯,阿比盖尔 嘎吱嘎吱的声音,露西 格林利夫,露西·克兰奇
我亲爱的露西 奥特伊 1784年9月5日

I promised to write to you from the Hague,1 but your uncles unexpected arrival at London prevented me. Your uncle purchased an Excellent travelling Coach in London, hired a post chaise for our servants. In this manner We travelled from London to Dover, accommodated through England with the best of Horses postilions, 还有好的马车, 干净整洁的公寓, 上流社会的娱乐, 准时出勤, but no sooner do you cross from Dover to Caliss than every thing is reversed, yet the distance is very small between them.

The cultivation is by no means equal to that of England, the villages look poor and mean the houses all thatchd and rarely a Glass window in them. Their Horses instead of being handsomely harnessed as those in England are, have the appearence of so many old cart horses. Along you go with 7 Horses tied up with roaps and chains rattleing like trucks, 2 ragged postilions mounted with enormous jack Boots, 增加喜剧场面. And this is the Stile in which a Duke or a count travel through this kingdom. You inquire of me how I like Paris? Why they tell me I am no judge, for that I have not seen it yet. One thing I know, that is, that I have smelt it. If I was agreeably dissapointed in London, I am as much dissapointed in Paris. It is the very dirtyest place I ever saw. There are some Buildings and some Squares which are tolerable, but in general the streets are narrow, 商店, 这些房子不雅致。, 和肮脏的, the Streets full of Lumber and Stone with which they Build. Boston cannot Boast so elegant publick Buildings, 但在其他方面, it as much Superiour in my Eyes to Paris, 就像伦敦之于波士顿. To have had Paris tolerable to me; I should not have gone to London. As to the people here, they are more given to Hospitality than in England, it is said.

I have been in company with but one French Lady2 自从我来到这里, for strangers here make the first visit and nobody will know you untill you have waited upon them in form.

我和这位女士在. Franklings. 她走进房间

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带着一种漫不经心的神气. Upon seeing Ladies who were strangers to her, she bawled out ah Mon dieu! where is Frankling, why did you not tell me there were Ladies here? You must suppose her speaking all this in French. 她说我看起来怎么样? takeing hold of a dressing chimise made of tiffanny which She had on over a blew Lutestring, which looked as much upon the decay as her Beauty, for she was once a handsome woman. 她的头发是尖的, over it she had a small straw hat with a dirty half gauze hankerchief round it, a bit of dirtyer gauze than ever my maids wore was sewed on behind. She had a black gauze Skarf thrown over her shoulders. 她跑出了房间. 当她回来的时候. enterd at one door she at the other, upon which she ran forward to him, 抓住他的手, 可惜frankl, then gave him a double kiss one upon each cheek and an other upon his forehead. When we went into the room to dine she was placed between the Dr. 和奥. 亚当斯. She carried on the chief of the conversation at dinner, frequently locking her hand into the Drs. and sometimes spreading her Arms upon the Backs of both the Gentlemans Chairs, then throwing her Arm carelessly upon the Drs. 脖子.

I should have been greatly astonished at this conduct, if the good Doctor had not told me that in this Lady I should see a genuine French Woman, wholy free from affectation or stifness of behaviour and one of the best women in the world. 为此,我必须带上dr. word, but I should have set her down for a very bad one altho Sixty years of age and a widow. I own I was highly disgusted and never wish for an acquaintance with any Ladies of this cast. After dinner she threw herself upon a settee where she shew more than her feet. She had a little Lap Dog who was next to the Dr. 她最喜欢的. 这是她的吻3 and when he wet the floor she wiped it up with her chimise. 这是其中一位博士. most intimate Friends, with whom he dines once every week and She with him. She is rich and is my near Neighbour, but I have not yet visited her. Thus my dear you see that Manners differ exceedingly in different Countries. I hope however to find amongst the French Ladies manners more consistant with my Ideas of decency, 否则我将成为一个纯粹的隐士.4

You must write to me and let me know all about you. Marriages Births and preferments—every thing you can think of. Give my respects to the Germantown family. I shall begin to get 信 for them by the next vessel.

晚安,各位。. Believe me your most affectionate Aunt 阿比盖尔·亚当斯

RC (MWA阿比盖尔·亚当斯·科尔.).


AA may refer to a letter that has not been found, but in her 7月6日 letter to Mary Cranch上面,, under 7月29日, she promised Elizabeth Cranch “a discription of some pretty Scene at the Hague, Lucy shall have a Parissian Letter.”


Madame Helvétius; see AA2 给露西·克兰奇, 9月4., 注2上面,.


The rest of this sentence was omitted from AA, , ed. CFA, 1840, but restored in the 1841 and 1848 editions.


AA wrote “否则我将成为一个纯粹的隐士,” in finer, lighter characters, apparently as an afterthought.