Adams, Abigail Adams, John
Abigail Adams to John Adams
my Dearest Friend Quincy Febry 14 1796

I received by the last mail the Letters of two, so that I fare as you do, 上个邮寄日的暴风雨天气使我无法收到寄往波士顿的信,虽然我已经准备好了一封. 我觉得损失不大,因为我没有什么有趣的东西,也没有什么好玩的东西 176 entertain You with. 然而你却很高兴地表达了你收到它们的快乐, Such as they are, that I ought not, and do not fail of being regular once, allways, and sometimes twice a week

I have to acknowledge Yours of the following Dates, Janry 23. 26 29 31 & 2d Febry for all of which accept my thanks. 他们中的一些人让我想起了两句我相信是翻译自《利记APP官网手机版》的台词

“On Eagles Wings immortal Scandles fly, Whilest Virtuous actions, are but born & Dye”1

Whether mr G. 我不知道他是否应该因为与妻子分居而受到这样的指责. He may plead as Trusty does in fair Rossomond, that, she is ugly, and old, and a Vilainous Scold, but as he took her I presume, for better or worse, 在我国,它不被视为离婚的合法理由, however pleasing a one it might be.2 His Friends here say, that there is a cause, which he will not Divulge, out of respect to her Family, Who are all Friendly to him, and who lay no blame to him on her account. his child is left in the care of a Brother of hers, 据我所知,离婚是由她的一个兄弟来办理的,不是当法官就是当辩护律师. 我被告知道斯法官收到了她的一个兄弟的来信,信中表达了对G先生的喜爱. and who did not blame him for his conduct.3 Mr G. returnd all the property he had with her, and offerd to Make a Settlement upon her, which was refused. 至于康涅狄格的事,我想是没有根据的. 难道他不应该由束缚他的那个国家的法律来解放吗?

if he is as innocent as an Angle, 他无法摆脱在这片土地上将出席的污点 seperation from Dissolution of the Bonds of Matrimony.

我在波士顿待了将近两个星期,听到了许多利记APP官网手机版他卖掉土地的谈话, 我从来没有听到任何迹象表明他曾经或企图不正当地占任何人的便宜

I have askd the Question of those who knew, but were no ways connected with him, 我确信他所做的一切都是公开公正的, 除了他所得到的所有权,他没有假装转让任何所有权, and that no Deception of any kind was made use of by him. What his Agents might Do I cannot say. 他们从G的销售中每件赚了5万美元.— as mr Black informs me; Joseph & George Blake & H G Otis were 177 the Agents—4 他们卖给了T·拉塞尔、约瑟夫·巴尔、柯立芝和其他的大人物,5 他们都长大了,可以自己判断了,但经过了所有这些猜测之后 & rapid fortunes are an injury to the community at large, they create Envy, 使整天辛勤劳动的人蒙羞, 用便士先令和英镑来获得财产——它们带来了奢侈和挥霍, and corrupt the Morals of the possesors, if he had any to corrupt, but as mr Black observed to me, a Man Who has acquired property Slowly, and has something to lose Will not risk, as he will, who has nothing to risk, or lose

南方绅士认为我相信北方绅士是傻瓜, but the Nothern know that they are so, 如果他们相信这样的无耻的杜伯里会成功, 正如你所说的,现在是在实践“无始即无”, is my Motto tho I am not used to quote lattin or spell it.6

I have no desire for the first, whilst he whose Right it is ought to be Sovereign, but if the people are blind, they deserve a Jefferson, or some one not half as deserving. Yet I am sure it will be a most unpleasent Seat, full of Thorns Briars thistles, 窃窃私语,吹毛求疵,诽谤,诋毁,因为我应该知道 & What not. 但是上帝之手应该被关注,被设计的东西应该被认真地服从. I am firm in the hope & belief that the true & plain path of Duty will not be hidden from us—

Yours affectionatly

A Adams

RC (Adams Papers); endorsed: “Mrs A Feb. 14 1796.”


Juvenal, Satires, Satire IX, lines 196–197.


In Joseph Addison’s Rosamond, an Opera, Act I, scene iii, lines 30–31, Sir Trusty says of Grideline, “Thou art ugly and old, / And a villanous Scold.”


The family of Antonia Cornelia Elbertine Scholten van Aschat was prominent in Dutch society; one of her brothers served on the Amsterdam council, another as pensionary at Delft, and a third as councillor of the high court. TBA and JQA socialized with them while in the Netherlands (D/JQA/20, 6 Feb. 1795, APM Reel 23).


大概是约瑟夫兄弟(1766-1802)和乔治·布莱克兄弟(1769-1841). 9:296 and 10:45, respectively.


Joseph Coolidge (1747–1820), a Boston merchant (Genealogy of Some of the Descendants of John Coollidge, Boston, 1903, p. 22).


Either Caesar or nobody.